Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

Department for the Aging (DFTA)
Resource for:
Resource Type:
Food Assistance
To obtain more information, ask questions or sign up please contact:
Department for the Aging (DFTA)
Phone: Aging Connect: 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469)

The Market Nutrition Program provides eligible older New Yorkers coupon booklets, worth $25, which can be redeemed at participating farmers’ markets, farm stands, and mobile markets to buy locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The program aims to promote improved nutrition through increased consumption of locally grown fresh produce, and improve sales at participating vendors. For more information, eligibility and booklet distribution sites please visit the website or call Aging Connect. Coupons are distributed first-come, first served and valid until November 30, 2024, so get yours now!


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Please note that this opportunity may no longer be current. Please contact the provider for the most up to date information.

Farmers' Market Nutrition Program - Each year, during the summer, NYC Aging distributes thousands of coupon booklets worth $25, which can be redeemed at participating farmers' markets and market stands. Fresh produce for eligible olders adults. Distribution sites: older adult centers, NORCS and nonprofits. The Farmers' Market Nutrition Program is sponsored by: the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, NYS Department of Health, NYS Office for the Aging, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and USDA Food and Nutrition Service. For more info, call Aging Connect at: 212-NYC AGING (212-244-6469) or visit
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