DOB “Building After Hours” Schedule for 2025

Department of Buildings borough offices will be open for Buildings After Hours on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (except for government holidays).

Brooklyn homeowners, tenants, small business owners, and building managers may attend Buildings After Hours at the Brooklyn Borough Office, 345 Adams Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn 11201, from 4 to 7 PM on the following Tuesdays of 2025:

  • January 7 and 21
  • February 4 and 18
  • March 4 and 18
  • April 8 and 22
  • May 6 and 20
  • June 3 and 17
  • July 1 and 15
  • August 5 and 19
  • September 2 and 16
  • October 7 and 21
  • November 18
  • December 2 and 16

At Buildings After Hours homeowners, tenants, building managers, and small business owners can visit their local borough office where DOB staff can answer questions and provide the information needed to plan for a home renovation or construction project, address an open violation on a property, obtain more information about a property, or use online resources including the Buildings Information System (BIS) and DOB NOW.

Staff from the following offices will be available at every borough office: borough commissioner’s office, borough operations, development inspections, enforcement inspections, and plan examination. Please continue to use DOB NOW and eFiling for all applicable online services.

More information and updated details are posted at DOB’s website.

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