I met Duane in 2015 when we were freshmen board members, both newly appointed to Brooklyn Community Board 14.
Many of you know of the excellence and extent of Duane’s involvement on this board: Co-Chair of the Youth Services Committee, Co-Chair of the first iteration of an Economic Development Committee, Co-Chair of the Flatbush African Burial Ground Task Force, and 1st Vice Chair of the Board. I trusted his opinion emphatically; he was a close advisor and confidant.
When someone as incredible as Duane is called home, the intricacies of his universe are immediately revealed as we commiserate with one another.
Duane’s dedication and influence appear to me as a Venn diagram, Duane at the center, with each of us in his network overlapping him and each other in our various connections.
In my corner of this diagram, I think about the conversations he and I had about a myriad of topics, but what stays with me most and influences how I practice in healthcare (my other job) is his candid descriptions of mistrust and apprehension men have when seeking healthcare. That heavy and eye-opening conversation immediately influenced how I practiced and has become his legacy of how I approach the men I encounter in my work.
I am confident that his conversations, actions, and generosity have deeply affected you too, and perhaps have pointed you toward a more authentic path. And because of how Duane was situated in the diagram of our lives and how we overlap, we, as his community, will continue to do much meaningful work together in his honor.
Jo Ann Brown, Chair – August 12, 2023
The Duane Joseph Memorial Fund
To honor Duane’s commitment to the CB14 Youth Conference and at the behest of his family, Community Board 14 has set up a fund with the support of the Council of People’s Organization (COPO).
The CB14 Youth Conference is an event that was near and dear to Duane. He was a thoughtful steward of the event when he chaired the Youth Services Committee and stepped up to the plate to play a helpful role even when he was co-chairing other committees. Duane always pushed to go beyond each year to serve the youth of the community in ever more expansive, creative and meaningful ways.
To contribute to the Duane Joseph Memorial Fund, please visit copo.org/donate. Simply click on the Donate button and enter the amount on the screen. When prompted, select the option to write a note and type in “Duane Joseph Memorial Fund.” For donations by check, be sure to include “Duane Joseph Memorial Fund” as a note. Your contribution will be earmarked for CB14’s Annual Youth Conference and you will receive a thank you letter from COPO for tax deduction purposes.
On behalf of Duane Joseph’s family and his CB14 family and his greater community family – thank you for your support.