The June 2023 Primary Election is fast approaching! This June, NYC will vote on candidates for local offices, including City Council, District Attorney (Bronx, Queens, Staten Island), Civil Court, Delegates to the Judicial Convention, and Party positions. Make your plan to vote!
To vote in the June Primary, you must have registered to vote by June 17; then, you can either vote in person during the early voting period or on Election Day, June 27. You can also vote by mail requesting and mailing an absentee ballot on time.
Key dates
- Request an absentee ballot: online by June 12, in person by June 26.
- Register to vote by June 17
- Early voting period: June 17-26
- Election day: June 27
- Absentee ballots must be postmarked June 27 or earlier
Key links
- Register to vote by June 17
- Find out who’s on your ballot
- Learn more about Ranked Choice Voting: here & here
- More information about voting:
- DemocracyNYC (a program of the New York City Civic Engagement Commission)
- NYC Votes (an initiative of the New York City Campaign Finance Board)