In Person

Holiday Fun on Church and Flatbush Ave.: Caroling

Church-Flatbush Community Alliance
Starting at 907 Church Ave

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm, various locations

Part 1. 2:00 pm: Meet outside Suzy’s Roti Parlour (907 Church Ave.) to enjoy homemade Trini pine tarts and fruitcake prepared by Suzy’s baker Veronica. Start walking and singing.

Part 2. 3:30 pm: Meet at McDonald’s (943 Flatbush Ave.) for a break with hot treats and beverages, and then head out to continue the stroll.

There will be treats and small gifts offered by select stores along the way

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CB14 posts community events on behalf of the organizers to help get the word out. Please note that this information may be out of date. Always contact the organizers to verify dates and locations and for up to date details, or if you would like more information.