Cortelyou Road and Coney Island Avenue Intersection Improvements

Cortelyou Road and Coney Island Avenue Intersection Improvements

Managing Agency:
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Location: Cortelyou Road and Coney Island Avenue
Summary Description: DOT is studying the redesign of the intersection to improve pedestrian safety and clarify vehicular movement
Status: Pending
- Under consideration

2018 Implemented Redesign

In 2018, the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) in cooperation with the citywide Vision Zero initiative implemented a safety and mobility redesign of the intersection at Cortelyou Road and Coney Island Avenue with the goal of enhancing pedestrian safety features, improving pedestrian access, calming traffic and clarifying vehicular movements.

This work was implemented in late 2018 and included the following improvements:

  • Install a new high-visibility crosswalk across Coney Island Ave., creating a third pedestrian crossing at the intersection
  • Build concrete pedestrian island for new crossing
  • Upgrade and build new pedestrian ramps at the intersection
  • Provide Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) for pedestrians crossing Cortelyou Road north to south
  • Add flashing yellow arrow turning signals for vehicles making northbound and southbound left turns

2023-2024 New Redesign

After the implementation of the improvements mentioned above, Brooklyn Community Board 14 and DOT received requests from residents for additional pedestrian safety measures to the intersection. As a result, in September 2023 DOT presented to CB14’s Transportation Committee a series of possible scenarios to improve pedestrian safety in a community outreach effort. The scenarios look to improve community-identified issues at the intersection including pedestrian safety and access and congestion related to left turning vehicles. Potential improvements include, all pedestrian signal phases, dedicated left turn signals, markings improvements, and signage improvements.

Below you can view/download the presentation and view the recording of the meeting which includes a Q&A period with members of the community.

DOT September 2023 Presentation

CB14 September 27, 2023 Transportation Committee Meeting Recording

June 4 2024 – Transportation Committee Meeting

The Transportation Committee received an update from the DOT on the redesign process for the Cortelyou Road and Coney Island Avenue intersection. See the presentation and watch the meeting video below.

NOTE: This page was last updated on August 29, 2024 and it may be out of date.
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