Share your resources with CB14!

If you are a city agency or nonprofit offering free services to residents of our district please submit below materials and opportunities for consideration. We will post relevant opportunities and services on CB14’s website. Some resources or events may be showcased in our newsletter. We may not be able to feature all materials submitted.

Please note:

  • On our website we showcase events, programs and services from city agencies and non-profits that are free and open to district residents. Low cost offerings may be considered.
  • The sponsoring organization needs not be part of the district, but we prioritize events, programs and services that are available in CD14 and adjacent districts, in Brooklyn, or online. Other locations may be considered.

Please fill out the form below, make sure to include a flyer and a link to your website. Fill out all the fields that apply and please clarify in the notes if something doesn’t quite fit an existing category.

If you have any difficulties using this form, please email your program information to instead.