Block Parties and Street Activities

All activities or events that interfere with or obstruct normal use of streets or sidewalks must have a permit. These events include street festivals, block parties, farmers markets, commercial or promotional events, and other events on the City’s streets, sidewalks and pedestrian plazas. Permits are issued by the Street Activity Permit Office (SAPO) under the Mayor’s Citywide Events Coordination & Management (CECM) Office, after receiving a recommendation from the Community Board and/or any applicable agencies.

Application deadlines differ depending on the type of street event you want to host. Make sure to check the deadlines on the SAPO website to ensure that you apply for your permit in time to host your event. Failure to submit your application by the specified deadline will result in an automatic denial of the permit by SAPO. Rules and sponsor requirements vary depending on the event type. View the requirements per event types for that and additional information.

While anyone is able to file a permit application online, the permit must be issued to a Sponsor, who will be fully responsible for the conduct of the event. A Sponsor can be a community-based, not-for-profit organization, association, or the like, which has a close relationship to the community and street where the event will be taking place. Examples of sponsors include block or community associations, religious or civic organizations, merchant associations, business improvement districts, and other not-for-profit corporations.

Once you made sure your event meets the deadline, you have a sponsor and you have read up about the permit process , get started by filling out an online application on SAPO’s E-Apply system. You will need to pay the application fee online using a credit/debit card. If you are unable to apply online or have any questions, you can call the SAPO office at (212) 788-0025, Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM EST.

Do you need further help? Contact Community Board 14 for assistance.

Having trouble with the City Permit website? Community Board 14 is here to help! You can call our office at (718) 859-6357 for assistance or to schedule an appointment with a staff member who can walk you through the application process at the Community Board office.