Prospect Park Capital Improvement: Lakeshore

Prospect Park Capital Improvement: Lakeshore

Managing Agency:
Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR)
Organizations: Prospect Park Alliance
Location: Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Summary Description: This capital project funds environmental and accessibility improvements along the shoreline of the Prospect Park Lake
Status: Open
- Design Phase
Expected Date of Completion: Estimated Phase 1 Design Completion: 2024 - Estimated Phase 1 Construction Completion: 2026


The Lake at Prospect Park offers excellent recreational and scenic opportunities to park goers from Brooklyn and beyond. Prospect Park Alliance, the non-profit organization that sustains the park in partnership with the City, undertakes a variety of restoration and improvement projects throughout the park. This $20 million, multi-year project will include environmental and accessibility improvements to ensure the lakeshore is accessible and sustainable for future generations. These investments will restore the waterfront from just south of Lakeside to the Peninsula, restore lake edge and 3 of its island to improve wildlife habitats and nesting areas, and transform the vehicular Wellhouse Drive into landscaped bike and pedestrian paths, adding roughly 2 acres of additional green space to the park.

The Prospect Park Alliance encourages residents to submit a Letter of Support for additional funding from the City Council. Learn more.



Estimated Construction Completion


Estimate Design Completion

March 6, 2024

Lakeshore Restoration Virtual Meeting

March 6, 2024
March 2024

Brooklyn Borough Board Approval

March 2024
February 16, 2023

Lakeshore Restoration Virtual Public Meeting

February 16, 2023
November 21, 2022

Prospect Park Lakeshore Restoration Public Meeting held by Prospect Park Alliance

November 21, 2022
July 2022

NYC budget allocates $2 million toward restoration, matched by a $1 million allocation by the Mayor

See the FY2023 budget presentation to City Council

July 2022
June 22, 2022

CB14 Community Environment, Cultural Affairs & Economic Development Committee meeting

CB14 hosted a community conversation with Christian Zimmerman, Vice President, Capital & Landscape Management, Prospect Park Alliance, regarding the Lakeshore Project. Watch Meeting

June 22, 2022


June 22, 2022 CB14 Community Conversation about the Lakeshore Restoration Project – Recording

FY23 Budget Presentation about the Prospect Park Lakeshore Project

NOTE: This page was last updated on March 15, 2023 and it may be out of date.
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